General Anesthesia
SedaDent Anesthesia
At SedaDent, we take pride in meeting you. Our anesthesiologists are available to talk personally with each patient prior to the procedure. You can take comfort in knowing that the anesthesia is not delegated to another professional. Your anesthesiologist stays with you or your child for the entire dental procedure. The anesthesiologist you meet the day of the procedure will be the anesthesiologist who completes your care. We are also readily available after the procedure, should you have a question or concern.
Why Anesthesia?
The dental office is often associated with pain. While much has been done to improve the dental experience, many patients have deep rooted fears and anxiety when visiting the dentist. Whatever those fears may be, anesthesia provides an avenue for needed treatment. Children and adults with special needs, dental phobics, limiting medical conditions, an inability to get numb, pre-cooperative children, and hyperactive gag reflexes are a few examples of patients who benefit from anesthesia.
Dentists use drills, needles, and foreign tasting substances to treat our teeth that can make going to the dentist an unpleasant experience. Dental anesthesia makes a potentially uncomfortable situation totally relaxing for the patient. The patient gets to sleep through the procedure while the dentist completes the work.
We are frequently asked if we would allow our own children to be under general anesthesia. Absolutely! In fact, two of Dr. Heaton’s children required general anesthesia to complete the dental work they needed. Anesthesia allows the dentist to focus on treating their patient without increased salivation and active tongues. Usually the materials need to be bonded in the mouth without moisture and it is difficult to do if a patient has an active tongue or needs to close or open their mouth during the procedure.
Why SedaDent Anesthesia?
Our anesthesiologists are dentist anesthesiologists. We have received extensive training in all types of dental surgeries. A large part of our training includes valuable mobile in-office anesthesia training. This training is invaluable in bringing hospital-grade anesthesia into the office. We understand dental offices and equipment. We understand your surgery because we have performed many of them. We can anticipate your needs and tailor the anesthesia to meet the needs of your procedure.
We are board certified by the American Dental Board of Anesthesia, or working to become so, and we are graduates from accredited dental anesthesia residency programs. These residency programs require competency in all types of dental surgeries. They require extensive training in nasal (through the nose) intubation. No other medical or dental programs that we are aware of provide the level of experience in mobile dental surgery that dental anesthesia residencies provide.
Pre-Anesthesia Instructions
Drinking and Eating
Do NOT have ANYTHING TO EAT OR DRINK for eight (8) hours before your scheduled dental procedure. During anesthesia the muscles above the stomach can relax, releasing stomach contents into the lungs. This can lead to serious complications including death. You may have CLEAR liquids only, up to two (2) hours before your procedure. Examples of clear liquids include water, apple juice, or Gatorade. Patients consuming food, milk, orange juice, or other non-clear liquids within eight (8) hours will be rescheduled.
Loose clothing with short sleeves is desirable, as are two-piece outfits, to allow easy monitor placement. Contact lenses must be removed before the appointment. Do not wear fingernail polish the day of appointment.
Change in Health
Please inform our dental anesthesiologists of any change in your health prior to your appointment. The development of a cold or fever can increase the risks of anesthesia. Sick patients will be rescheduled for safety reasons.
Please follow your regular schedule of medications unless otherwise directed by our dental anesthesiologist. Medications may be taken with only a small sip of water.
Accompanied by an Adult
A responsible adult must accompany all anesthesia patients to and from the appointment. A responsible adult must drive the patient home. (Buses or cabs are unacceptable).